Is Natural Treatment Good For Candida?

Candida Albicans is the most common opportunistic pathogen found in the normal intestinal flora of the average human being


It exists on almost all body surfaces including the skin, ears, nose and throat. It can even survive outdoors the body.


Candida is normally kept under control by the beneficial bacteria found in our digestive systems and skin. However, the body is constantly invaded with opportunistic organisms such as bacteria that can cause health problems including chronic fatigue syndrome, allergies, depression, diabetes, digestive disorders, skin diseases and cancer.


As a result, it is important to be aware of what causes Candida infection. It is important that we have knowledge about the natural treatment for candida and how to keep the organism under control. Once it is controlled, it can be managed with anti-fungal medications. If it recurs, more severe treatments may be required.


What are the most common reasons for Candida infection? The following will highlight the major reasons for Candida infection:


  •  Yeast Infection: Candida is normally kept under control by the beneficial bacteria which are present in our intestines, throat and digestive tract. The beneficial bacteria are also present in our skin, mouth and ears. But when there is an overgrowth of this opportunistic pathogen, this results in an infection. A yeast infection is more common in infants, people with chronic health conditions, and women.
  •  Food Allergy: If the immune system is not working properly, Candida will often overgrow and cause an infection. Some food items like sugar, yeast-based products, garlic and onions are known to cause Candidiasis.
  •  Eczema: Candida infection is known to be a cause of eczema. The fungus can cause serious irritation to the skin and is quite painful. Eczema can also cause redness and itchiness, but it can also lead to blisters and ulcers. If the condition continues or worsens, it can cause chronic inflammation.
  • Oral contraceptives: When women take contraceptive pills, they increase the acidity of their vaginal secretions which increases Candidiasis. If you smoke, you are at risk of Candidiasis as well.
  •  Recurring Candidiasis: In most cases, the Candida infection is due to an imbalance in your internal flora. If you follow a strict diet and exercise regularly, the Candida albicans will decrease. This should be the case if the infection is brought under control and not caused by something external.
  •  Medications: In some instances, Candidiasis can be caused by antibiotics and drugs. There are other drugs like steroids and anti-inflammatory drugs, which will damage the healthy bacteria and increase the risk of Candidiasis.
  •  Asthma: Candida is also known to be a cause of Asthma. Asthma is a chronic disease where the air passages in the lungs become swollen and inflamed. When the airways are not getting enough oxygen, the affected individual experiences shortness of breath. Once the airways are damaged, it can cause severe coughing and breathing problems.
  •  Yeast infections: If the immune system is weakened, yeast infections can affect the gut, skin and genital area. It is also known to affect the mouth, penis, and rectum.


As mentioned above, candidiasis can also be caused by poor diet, smoking, diabetes, and some medications.


The reason for the latter is that these diseases weaken the body's natural defenses

Antifungals like nystatin, echinacea and metronidazole are used to control Candida albicans. There are also other medications available like probiotics, garlic and others that work in the same way. There are several natural supplements available for the treatment of Candida and one can buy them without having to consult a doctor.


Natural Candidiasis treatments such as tea tree oil are known to have some great anti-fungal properties. These herbs are applied topically on the affected areas or taken orally.


There are various natural anti-fungal therapy that include garlic, lemon balm and tea tree oil. Yogurt, fish oil, tea tree oil, cinnamon and oregano oils are also great for the treatment of Candida. Many herbs like ginger and dandelion are used to treat this disease.


Candida is a problem in all kinds of people and hence, one needs to be careful while taking medication. because sometimes, it can get out of hand and become quite serious. Hence, it is important to consult a doctor before using any kind of natural treatment.