Most homeowners in Chicago don’t worry much about hailstorms – unless their vehicles are unfortunately left uncovered during the event. Then you hear the laments and woes… but not so much where roofs are concerned. While you can readily see pings and dents left by the impact of hailstones on your car, you shouldn’t ignore the fact that your roofing system has probably suffered similar – if not worse – hail damages over the years. Just because it’s beyond sight most of the time, or even if you’ve climbed up to check out your roof for yourself and didn’t notice anything major, it doesn’t mean the damages aren’t there. Nor will ignoring to get your roof repaired do you any good down the road. If your home or business has gone through a hailstorm, call the Chicago hail damage repairs specialists at PG Exteriors for an honest, no-hassle, FREE inspection. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain from calling our Chicago restoration company today to set up an appointment. It won’t cost you a thing, and you’ll know for certain where your roof stands in terms of hail damages once our experts finish with the inspection.
Spotting hail damaged roofs isn’t always an easy thing, especially for those inexperienced in the process. Most homeowners take a look at the roof and figure, if the roofing shingles appear to be intact and nothing’s falling off or missing, it’s all okay – right? Wrong. Hailstones strike roofs and other surfaces at an incredible speed. Even if it’s not enough to visibly dent your roofing, if you have shingles as your roofing material, you can bet those granules that make up most of the shingle have come dislodged in places. What’s a few granules, you may be thinking. Well, it’s a degradation of your roofing, for one, and makes it much easier for leaks to form and further destroy your roofing system – as well as cause structural damages beneath your roof.
So taking care to get a proper inspection and hail damage repairs in Chicago when appropriate is well worth the investment. At PG Exteriors we will ensure you get an honest evaluation of the condition of your roof. Our Chicago hail restoration specialists have years of expertise assessing for hail damages and have conducted many inspections throughout the area. If it turns out your roof shows signs of hail damage, we’ll let you know how extensive and help you see if you qualify to file an insurance claim to cover the restoration process.
Our family-owned and established restoration company has seen hundreds of homeowners and businesses through the process of getting hail damage repairs in Chicago, most of which ended up not costing the property owner anything. Call us today at PG Exteriors to learn more about our hail restoration services in Chicago or to schedule a free inspection for your home or business.
If you are looking for hail damage repairs in Chicago, please call us at 888-546-1490 or fill out our online request form.